In October of 2013, the Saskatoon Community Foundation announced a new partnership with Macro Properties to make grants in six Saskatchewan communities: Saskatoon, Prince Albert, North Battleford, Kindersley, Kerrobert and Esterhazy. Macro Properties believes that its future depends on the success and vibrancy of the communities in which it does business.  In the interest of growing and supporting these communities, the Macro Properties Prairie Partnership provides grants to programs and initiatives focused on Early Childhood Education, Aboriginal Education, and Parks and Wilderness.

The deadline for applications for 2013 was December 17, 2013. In January of 2014, a committee of SCF staff and representatives from Macro Properties made recommendations for the first ever round of grants from the Macro Properties Prairie Partnership. The grants were as follows:


Organization Name

Project Name


 Big Brothers Big Sisters
 of Saskatoon and Area

 Go Girls!


 READ Saskatoon

 Alphabet Soup in Motion
 Family Literacy Program


 Meewasin Valley Authority

 Meewasin Trail to Wanuskewin


 Tamarack Foundation

 Tamarack Academic Wilderness
 Summer School


 Columbus Bosco Homes

 St. Mark Parent and Tot
 Family Support Center


 Eagles Nest Youth Ranch Inc.

 First Nations Healing
 and Cultural Programming


 Playground Committee

 Playground Rebuild at
 Esterhazy High School


 Saskatoon Student
 Child Care Services Inc.

 Natural Outdoor
 Learning Environment


 Town of Kerrobert

 Poolside Park Project


 Nature Saskatchewan

 Sākewew Permaculture and
 Treaty Education Program






The Saskatoon Community Foundation is proud to work with Macro Properties to make grants to Saskatchewan charities. Partnerships with companies like Macro Properties strengthen the charitable sector, individual charities and the community as a whole. SCF looks forward to continuing this partnership in 2014.

Over its 43 years of service to our community, the Saskatoon Community Foundation has accepted thousands of gifts from thousands of donors, and made thousands of grants to local charities. In a typical year, the Saskatoon Community Foundation grants to over 100 local charities. Over its entire history, total grants are in excess of 12 million dollars! Because the Saskatoon Community Foundation invests donor gifts, granting only the income, all of these gifts will continue to have a positive impact for Saskatchewan, forever!


For more information or to arrange interviews, media may contact:
Don Ewles, Grants and Communications Manager
Saskatoon Community Foundation
(306) 665-1767